My Mini i7 was overheating with fans spinning during photo and video editing. It got hot even during system sleep! I checked and found Google Updater was literally “calling home” thousands of times per minute. As a scrolled throug system activities it was obvious Google’s spyware had run amuck and was bogging down my Mac something terrible. I tried terminal commands in an attempt to nix Google Update but to no avail: Google updates it’s code automatically, keeping one step ahead of everybody. So the terminal command that worked last week no longer did a thing…
Enter AppCleaner. A couple clicks and Google Updater was gone for good, nixing 300MB of spyware! Yes, AppCleaner is demo only until you pay $3.99 but is the best software investment I’ve made in a long time. I’m amazed some reviewers think this app should be free. I’m glad I was able to help support the app so gets updated regularly. Now my Mini sleeps cool as a cucumber and the fans no longer kick up!
Gochugogi about Cleaner-App